Belt and Road Connectivity

Improving communication connectivity between businesses with branches in countries along the Belt and Road to strengthen cooperation and stimulate innovation.

Why this Solution?

With the in-depth development of China's Belt and Road Initiative, more and more Chinese companies are going abroad and having cooperation with countries and regions along the route. Under this circumstance, efficient cross-border communication between companies is of great importance. Traditionally, IPLS or MPLS, or Internet plus VPN are two solutions for businesses to achieve headquarter-branch network connectivity. However, there are shortcomings in the two traditional solutions when it comes to long-distance network connection.

  1. High cost, long construction period and hard to migrate
  2. Less developed regions are not covered by IPLS or MPLS.
  3. IPLS or MPLS does not guarantee access quality. WAN optimization technology is often needed for further improvement, leading to higher cost.
Internet + VPN:
  1. Low efficiency and poor experience
  2. Products powered by WAN optimization technology may improve experience, but the cost will soar.

All businesses with an overseas presence want to have a cost-saving network with quality experience.


Through the deployment of LightWAN CPE devices at headquarters and overseas offices, the site office networks can be connected with the LightWAN core network and with each other. High-speed networks can be built quickly for businesses that have branches in countries along the Belt and Road to achieve connectivity.


Stable and highly efficient core network
Ensured high-availability access via redundancy of Internet links
Centralized management, intelligent monitoring and scheduling
Multiple access modes (CPE, Virtual CPE and Software)
Rapid and flexible deployment


Deliver stable, secure, flexible and fast SD-WAN service globally.